Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Angie Harmon: You are not Angie Jolie

Angie Harmon may have drunk too many PBR’s before her interview with Fox News and somehow confused herself for being a talented actress. She claims that the liberal Hollywood community has ostracized her, which subsequently is why she possibly gets passed up for roles.

Really? So, the sole reason she is not offered Oscar Award winning roles is because she is a conservative? Really? She thought her work on Baywatch Nights and Law & Order was her ticket to starring in critically acclaimed films and television shows?

Right. How about this, Ms. Harmon: you are not that great of an actress. If you had acting ability as someone like Angelina Jolie or Kate Winslet, I assure you no one would care about your political opinions. Maybe no one told you this, but when you are acting you actually don’t just act like yourself, you are supposed to get into character. That’s what casting directors care about, not the fact that you are conservative. Please don’t act like you were nominated for Emmy after Emmy and then after you publicly supported John McCain, all of a sudden you found yourself unemployed.

Now, Ms. Harmon, the needy media whore, is in the news again defending Miss California Carrie Prejean. Ms. Prejean responded to Perez Hilton’s question about gay marriage by stating that she was opposed to more states legalizing the union of same sex couples.

First of all, Ms. Prejean is an idiot, regardless if she supports gay marriage or not. She is competing in a pageant that she is trying to win. Just like when I go on job interviews, if my boss believes in wearing tacky ill-fitting suits, I’m going to act like that this is the shit on the runways of Paris and Milan. So, if Perez Hilton asks you a question that any dumb ass knows he clearly already has an opinion about, just smile and say a politically correct answer. That dumb ass did not. Therefore, she didn’t win. Simple.

There is a time and a place to stand up for what you believe in and unfortunately whether you like it or not, beauty pageants are not the venue. Duh.

As for Angie Harmon, she is trying her best to stay in the media by offering her two cents about things that we are all trying to figure out why her opinion matters in the first place. She hasn’t had an acting job since 2008 and she is grasping for any kind of media attention.

Bleh. We all don’t care about your GOP membership. See you on the next season of Dancing with the Stars, you has-been.

1 comment:

  1. I hope the writer of this article is having fun eating their words because here in 2010 it seems Ms. Harmon is anything but a has been and might not be as conservative as once believed. Opinionated yes, but maybe not so close minded as some people seem to think.
