Wednesday, January 27, 2010

You don't like that? Well, stop reading this sh*t.

Yes. I swear on my blog. I use bad words. I even, at times, throw in an occasional swear word on my facebook updates. This causes quite a stir in some people.

Children could be reading my blog and my facebook updates!

First of all, why are young children on facebook, for fucks sake? There is problem with childhood obesity in this country. Shouldn’t your fat ass kid be on a bike somewhere?

Secondly, it’s not my job to make boundaries for your child about what she/he can or cannot read. Isn’t that your mother fucking job?

It goes the same for t.v. I heard someone complaining about how South Park is confusing for children because it's a cartoon with adult content.

It’s not Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s fault your kid’s a dumbass and can’t figure that out.

Maybe I was a precocious kid. Who the fuck am I kidding? Of course I was a precocious kid, but I’m pretty sure your kid is not that bright. So, all those adult innuendos on South Park and other animated shows simply fly right over your stupid ass kid’s head and probably yours if you’re complaining about the laxity of censorship in the media.

There is a lot of violence on t.v., too. Or haven’t you noticed? I think that may have a bigger impact on the well-being of your child than my occasional cock, fuck, and shit in my writing.

Some people say, “Your opinion will change when you have your own children.”

I don’t fucking think so. My children are going to be half my brilliant genetic makeup, giving them already more intellectual ability than your dumbass kid. I will also (maybe you should try this) teach my kid how to deal and understand with adult material when he/she comes across it, because you can’t shield your kid forever from all the fucks, shits, asses, and bitches, in the world, right? These words will find your children one day. OH. YES. THEY. WILL.

Others say it’s not ladylike for me to cuss so much.

Do you even fucking know me? My blog is 20% content, 10% shit talking, and 70% swearing.

If you don’t like how I write, stop reading it. If I offend you with my swear words, then go back to reading your Harry Potter books.

And if you can’t delineate reality from humor and satire for fucks sake: Walk away from the computer right now!

Please and thank-you.

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