Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Thing about John Mayer

I’m going to write about this as a person of color. John Mayer let out what he really feels and so will I.

Mayer told the truth. He usually prefers white women

He said, “"My dick is sort of like a white supremacist. I've got a Benetton heart and a fuckin' David Duke cock. I'm going to start dating separately from my dick."

He used the word, nigger, and talked about how he had a “hood pass”, meaning (I think) something about being cool in the black community.

And my big question to you is: YOU ARE SO BAFFLED BY THIS?

I’m Filipino and usually not part of the race relations conversations because most focus on white and black. Even in reference to this interview, most commentary focuses on how Mayer dissed black women. MAYER DISSED EVERY KIND OF WOMAN EXCEPT WHITE WOMEN. (Latinos, Asians, East Indians, Arabs, Native Americans, Eskimos, Inuits, aborigines, Pacific Islanders, mixed-race women, etc.)

This is the type of behavior I encounter all the time in everyday life. You befriend a white person, who appears to be cool, open-minded, and seemingly not preoccupied with race, but then you get to know him/her and they will drop hints that they are, in fact, racist.

Am I being sensitive? No, asshole. I’m being real.

Want some examples:

-I have white friends who perpetually comment on how different we are because I’m Asian. If you are constantly bringing up I’m Asian, you are a closet racist.

-Or if some guy prefers me over a white girl it’s because dude has an “Asian fetish” and they discount that I may have some great qualities about me that have nothing to do with being “Asian” or not. (I just may be better than you, bitch.)

-I once asked a friend if she thought this non-white guy was hot. (He is Latino.) She said incredulously, “Me? No! I’m a WHITE girl. Duh.”

-A white girlfriend of mine admitted to me that she isn't racist except when she dates people.

So, Mayer did what other white people do. (I didn’t say all white people. So, don’t get all pissy.)

I am not shocked.

This is coming from a girl, who has been told, time to time, throughout her 31 years of life that I’m “pretty… for an Asian chick” by closet racists, of course.

Thanks. I guess.

I guess that makes the person who says this “open-minded… for a white person.”

You dig?

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