Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Strange can clear your mind.

I’ll be viewed as an asshole for saying this and I’m not disputing that I’m a bona fide dickhead for practicing this philosophy at times, but there is nothing like strange to clear your fucking mind.

The kind of strange that’s 21 years old with a six pack, a GQ jaw line, and a very limited range of vocabulary. This isn’t the strange to leave your one and only for, but this is the strange to leave your dude for one night.

I think about all the day to day bullshit of a long term relationship.

The miscommunication:

What did you mean by that? –your significant other

Huh. I didn’t say anything. – you

Why do you always do this?! – your significant other

What? Do what? - you

Do you even care about me? –your significant other

What? What just happened? -you

The repetitive sex as interesting as brushing your teeth:

You wanna have sex? –your signficant other

Um. Sure. Why not? -you

Okay. –your significant other

(Long pause)

Oh! You mean right now? Can we wait until House is over? -you

The long boring conversations about the act of eating food:

What do you want for dinner tonight? - your significant other

I don’t know. What do you want for dinner? - you

I don’t know. What do you want? -your significant other

I don’t know. You pick. - you

No. It’s your turn. You pick. -your significant other

(This conversation will go on for another 10 minutes.)

And the other countless predictable interactions you have with the one you love. Please don’t get me wrong. When you love someone, you tolerate these banal activities with your sweetie. It’s comforting. It’s home.

But sometimes a nice piece of strange lands (literally) right into your lap. You could harmlessly be walking along and then bam! That shit slams right into you. You either pick yourself up and keep walking or let that mother fucker carry you off into the sunset (just for that night).

It’s up to you.

These occasional strange encounters have nothing to do with the person you have a life, a family, and relationship with. I stand by this: Absolutely nothing.

How can that be?

Because when it’s all over, you realize that strange doesn’t love you, won’t have a family with you, and won’t be there with you to experience life together.

Like I said: There’s nothing like strange to clear your mother fucking mind and remind you of the significance of your significant other.

Just keep it clean and don’t get caught. Or you might lose your significant other for good depending on how forgiving and understanding he or she is.

I am on the forgiving side and understand that shit sometimes happens to all of us. If I happened to leave someone on account of a one night mistake, I was lying and just waiting for a chance to hit the door and run.

From the words of wisdom of Chris Rock: Commitment will give you a headache every now and then, but new pussy will always clear your mind.

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