Sunday, February 28, 2010

Everyone discriminates. Even me.

Discrimination- (n.) Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice

If you read my last blog entry and thought that I was possibly insinuating that racism only happens to a particular race, this blog entry's purpose is to address that miscommunication.

A reader of this blog commented to me that racism exists for everyone and even Caucasians endure discrimination. No doubt. Of course. Everyone discriminates and everyone is discriminated against in some kind of way.

I am a Filipino American woman living in the Deep South. When I speak of racism, sexism, classism, ageism, etc, I only speak of it from my perspective. Did I intend for my last blog entry to imply that I don't think other races, Caucasians, for instance, experience racism? No. How would I know what the every day lived of experience of a white person is like?

As a student of post-colonial theory, which addresses issues of identity and specificities in vantage points in different people, I wouldn't feign to know what it is like to be a Hindu in Colorado, a Filipino living in Australia, and even, yes, a Caucasian living next door to me.

And yes. I, too, discriminate against people. In my last blog entry, I addressed John Mayer’s comments regarding his preference for white women. I have my own preferences as well. Unlike Mayer, I don't discriminate against a particular race or ethnicity, but...

I admit that I discriminate against non-hot stupid people. There. I said it.

1. More likely than not, if you don’t have a six pack, I’m most likely not going to date you (or date you for very long.)

2. If you don’t have a particularly pleasing face and overall physique, I most likely will not date you.

3. If you are not a well-read person and cannot hold an intelligent conversation about topics other than Jersey Shore, American Idol, or any other bullshit pop culture fad, I most likely will not date you.

4. If you can’t hold your own in a conversation about sociopolitical ideologies… Well. I most likely will stop talking to you mid-conversation. I might even walk away from you shaking my head in disgust.

I have to say though that I've been open-minded enough to try to date non-hot stupid people, but only came out with terrible results. But at least, I tried.

So, yes. Everyone discriminates on any number of different things. Even me.

(If you are a non-hot stupid fat person, my deepest apologies and condolences. I admit I am an asshole on this topic. People are allowed their preferences when it comes to romantic partners and these are mine.)

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